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The SCS is designed to be extended with additional functionality at runtime. The following types of extensions are supported:

  • YAML Constructors: YAML constructors allow you to add support for additional YAML tags to the SCS. Imagine for example you’d want to include secrets from a 3rd party secret store in your scs-env.yaml file, you can create a constructor that uses a tag like !third-party-secret to refer to these secrets. Users can pass initialization options to constructors from the configuration file, such as credentials for a third party service used by the contructor.
  • Flask Blueprints: Flask Blueprints allow you to add functionality to the request/response handling of the system, for example to create custom request logs, or add CORS support to the system.
  • Jinja Extensions: Jinja extensions allow you to add functions that can be used within configuration file templates.

This section provides guidance on how to develop extensions for the SCS, and the features available to integrate them.

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